Thursday 18 February 2010

Security,trade and environment diplomacy

In the new phenomenon of new diplomacy security diplomacy still remained exclusive and secretive within states. This area still mostly reflects the old diplomacy where trade and environmental diplomacy is more open and flexible in terms of negotiations either bilaterally or multilaterally. Security diplomacy is more sophisticated and involves the state interest and allows the back channels as a media to resolve issues. But trade and environment diplomacy is more visible and less complex. Nonetheless trade diplomacy is a major issue which requires similar attention like security diplomacy. Sometimes the trade is instrument of achieving security objectives. On the other hand environmental diplomacy is still a new issue that seeking diplomatic attention. Various summits on environment and trade issues are effective compare to the summits that focus on security issues because of the complexity and intensity of the security matters. The raising non state actors that participating in the international relations mostly concentrated on the environment and trade issues. A key difference between the security diplomacy and environmental is that the big powers and greater nations influence is more on the security issues and they are the main driving force on the security diplomacy but in environment issues the suffering countries and even the smaller nations raising their voice easily and enthusiastic about achieving goals. The Security Council in UN is the example how security issues are mainly being driven by the major powers. Security issues are also still being addressed bilaterally to achieve goals or resolve problems. Although there are conferences and multilateral approaches are also vital in security diplomacy. But in trade and environmental diplomacy is a core element of new diplomacy and it is mainly being executed by multilateral diplomacy.

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